Saturday, July 4, 2009

Hi! I know it's been a long time since I updated this thing. I guess I just don't really see why anyone would want to follow our lives, but if you are reading this I am honored that you do. I just think we're kinda boring, happy, but boring. :)

The reason I decided to get on here was to update on the babies. We're looking at a possible surgery on all 3. The doc thinks they all have fused sutures/plates in their skulls. They believe Beau and Schyler both have fused sutures in the back of the head while Max's is in the front. They need a CAT scan for a definitive answer. We were told they would set up an appt and send us a letter. Still waiting on the letter... The kids and I are headed for a week away with Dave while he does his AT at Whiteman AFB. On Monday, since we'll be heading that way I'll stop by the University Hosp. to see when their CAT scan is. If it does come back that their sutures are fused together they will need surgery. At first this was a lot to digest and I still really don't like the whole idea. But we'll do what we gotta do for them.

Beau and Schyler will also be seeing a physical therapist every other week for tortocollis which is a shortening in the neck muscle. Max doesn't have the tort. but will get to go for kicks and grins. PT doesn't hurt anyone! On their off week a developmental specialist will come out to the house.

Other than that things are going well! The babies are slightly behind developmentally which is expected but we don't care. They sure are cute and we love em' just the way they are. They are rolling all over the place and we're working to get them to sit up.

The big kids are all well. Hannah spent the night at a camp. Her first overnighter! Bryce and Brandon are next in line later on this month. I love that they love Jesus. I am proud of them.

Ok, well that's about it!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update! I'm glad to hear how everyone is doing! How about mama & daddy?
