Sunday, April 5, 2009

God's blessings abound...

It's easy on days like these to get downtrodden when something semi-big goes wrong. But instead I chose to be thankful. We are so, so, so very thankful that we have friends that are willing to help when we are need. I do pray that we'll one day be able to return the blessings.

First off, I am so thankful that my husband is alive and well. He had drill this weekend. Fortunately, he was released early due to the impending weather. For one reason or another he decided to take the back roads home which is a blessing in itself. Our Durango's wheel barring is dead. Since he was traveling the back roads he could get slowed down quickly before the wheel came off. If he had chosen the Interstate he would have been traveling 70 miles per hour. The wheel likely would have fallen off and the outcome could have been very devastating. I am so, so thankful!

I am also so thankful that we could call friends to help us out. Friends who didn't even question picking Dave up and hauling the Durango home even though Dave is 80 miles away. We are blessed beyond measure in so many, many ways. Thank you, God!

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